Teamwork with another proxy (e.g. squid): HAVP is Parent Proxy: Use Havp with squid to benefit of squid ACLs (filter only some files e.g. exe, bat …)….

HAVP (HTTP Anti Virus Proxy) is a HTTP proxy with an antivirus scanner. It supports the free ClamAV , but also commercial solutions e.g. Kaspersky,…

Introduction: HAVP (HTTP AntiVirus proxy) is a proxy with an anti-virus filter. It does not cache or filter content. At the moment the complete traffic…

Q: Does Havp support HTTPS? A: No. It is difficult to check https because the proxy can not encrypt the data. Q: Does Havp support…

Mailingslist at sourceforge: https://sourceforge.net/p/havp/mailman/ HAVP User Forum: http://havp.hege.li/forum/